This dialogue is an introduction to Dr. Stephen Aizenstat and his new book: The Imagination Matrix: How to Access the Greatest Power You Have for Creativity, Connection, and Purpose

Dr. Aizenstat is the founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute and developer of the Dream Tending approach to the psyche. He has devoted his life to meeting with the voice within. JUNG Archademy founder Gary S. Bobroff, M.A. and Irina Avdeeva M.A. co-host the dialogue and speak with him about working with dreams, hosting the imagination and more.

We explore the role of imagination in the individuation process and the importance of relating to the inner figures that guide us through this process. Drawing on his lifelong work with clients and students, Dr. Aizenstat shares insights into how our dedicated engagement with the psyche connects us with our innate genius, allowing us to realize our fullest potential and live a more authentic life. Developing our imaginative intelligence, we learn to trust our inner calling and activate the healing capacities of our psyche to achieve a more fulfilling way of being in this world.   

“The Imagination Matrix offers portals of awareness through which each reader can find their inner code of life and their living core of creative imagination. This kind of shift in consciousness impacts individuals and communities, and also affects the entire planet.”

Michael Meade, author of Awakening the Soul

The Imagination Matrix

An Interview with

with Dr. Stephen Aizenstat


45 min

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Hosted by:

Gary S. Bobroff is the founder of the JUNG Archademy and Jungian Online. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a master’s degree in Jungian-oriented counselling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is the author of Knowledge In A Nutshell: Carl jung (2020) which is a Jungian psychology best seller.

Irina Avdeeva - Irina holds two Master's degrees in International Affairs from Berlin, Germany and from the Elliott School of International Affairs in Washington, DC. Having lived in several countries and being proficient in multiple languages, she has learned to appreciate the importance of the collective unconscious in shaping the dynamics within different cultures and across the borders. Irina has a passion for studying the works of C.G. Jung, engaging with dreams through her paintings, and applying the archetypal lenses to the analysis of world politics.

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D


Stephen Aizenstat, PhD, is the founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute, Dream Tending, and the Academy of Imagination. He has devoted his life to understanding the profound wisdom and healing power that exist within each of us. His work centers on the insight that, through our dreams and imagination, we can access limitless creativity, innovation, improved relationships, and, ultimately, our human potential.

Such an inquiry was a driving force in his creation of Pacifica Graduate Institute, a center for the study of the human experience through depth psychology, mythology, and the humanities. Surrounded by the beauty of the natural world where the mountains meet the sea, the institute is located on two university campuses in Santa Barbara, California.

Within this setting, Aizenstat pioneered his revolutionary, patented Dream Tending approach, a proven system based on four decades of rigorous scholarship and practical application road-tested with students, clients, and global workshops. This approach led to his work on The Imagination Matrix, a new paradigm for thinking more creatively and for living more authentically. He has conducted sold-out dreamwork and imagination seminars, workshops, and popup events in the United States, Asia, and Europe.

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., has served as an organizational consultant to leading tech companies, international leadership teams, and the Hollywood entertainment industry. He has also lectured extensively around the globe on the experiences of dreams, Deep Imagination, Imaginal Intelligence, and unleashing your Innate Genius. He is affiliated with the Earth Charter International project through the United Nations, where he has spoken. Professor Aizenstat has collaborated with many notable leaders in the field, including mythologist Joseph Campbell; depth psychologists James Hillman, Marion Woodman, and Robert Johnson; visionary Jean Houston; Chinese Jungian analyst and scholar Professor Heyong Shen; and Aboriginal dreamer and artist Yidumduma Bill Harvey. Dr. Aizenstat honors his associations with sustainability and seed-saving activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, Aboriginal dreamer Bill Neijdie, and community organizers Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez.

His website is